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Help Forest Restoration by planting a tree in someone's memory, for a celebration, for a holiday, or for your pet! The tree is a living tribute that benefits present and future generations. Planting trees helps restore the forests across the nation and in our own back yard! An example of their excellent work is their Schultz Fire Restoration project. "With the support of our leading reforestation partner, the Salt River Project, we are working very closely with Forest Service staff to reforest the Schultz Fire area over the past several years. With their support, we’ve planted more than 230,000 native conifer seedlings across the areas that were most severely impacted by the fire. Each seedling was locally cultivated with seeds collected from nearby healthy forests and planted with seedling protectors to ensure that the seedlings are not damaged by deer and elk."- National Forest Foundation. 


5,500 Trees have been planted in memory of Isaac and Chris.

Watch a queen ant feed a worker

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